Contact Us

We want to hear from you!

Your feedback, and that of all postgraduate medical education stakeholders, is of the highest value to us. A tremendous amount of work and expertise has brought us to this point. A number of volunteers, including yourself as well as your peers, have been contributing their thoughts and ideas to these changes since 2013: leaders of the three colleges, as well as a large number of dedicated volunteers for six standards working groups (50+), the Standards Integration Committee (13), and the Accreditation Process Advisory Committee (17). In addition to this, members of the postgraduate medical education community have been consulted throughout the development process, such as during one of our three Residency Accreditation Summits. The proposed changes reflect the feedback received over these three years.


CanERA welcomes your expert feedback as work continues on this iterative process to ensure the excellence of our collective accreditation system.


If you have any questions or comments, please contact, or contact your respective college.